Happy New Year! It’s a wonderful time to make a few resolutions regarding your dog’s health—that way, they stay happy and safe all year round. Your Pickerington, OH vet offers a few suggestions below.
I Will Feed a Healthy Diet
There’s almost no easier way to keep Fido healthy for the entirety of 2018 than by feeding him a high-quality premium pet food. When your dog receives all essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients through their diet, all body systems remain in peak condition. Feeding your dog in proper portion sizes helps to keep him at a healthy weight and avoid the pitfalls of obesity. Ask your vet to recommend a great diet choice for your dog.
I Will Exercise Fido Regularly
Coupled with a quality diet, regular exercise will ensure that your dog stays healthy and fit throughout life. Go on brisk walks around your neighborhood, jog on a hiking path, or simply romp around indoors with a favorite toy. By getting your dog moving on a daily basis, you’re burning excess calories and lengthening your beloved companion’s lifespan.
I Will Practice Preventative Medicine
Is your dog up-to-date on pest preventatives to ward off fleas, ticks, and worms? Does he have all his essential vaccinations to prevent things like distemper, parvovirus, Lyme disease, Bordetella, and more? These preventative healthcare measures aren’t just a suggestion—they’re absolutely essential for your dog to live a long, healthy, disease-free life. Talk to your vet right away if your pooch is in need of these preventatives.
I Will Maintain Dental Health
Dental health is easy to overlook; as a result, nearly half of all dogs experience some sort of dental trouble at one point or another! Don’t let your canine companion fall victim. Brush the teeth on a regular basis using a canine-formulated toothpaste and a specialized pet toothbrush, and be sure to schedule professional dental cleanings to make sure your dog’s teeth and gums stay clean.
I Will See the Vet
Make a resolution to have your dog examined at the vet’s office at least twice per year; it’s a great way to ensure that your dog’s health remains in top-form. Any health issues can be caught and diagnosed early, allowing for prompt treatment and a full recovery.
Does your dog need a veterinary exam, vaccinations, or pest-control medicine? Call your Pickerington, OH pet clinic today to make an office appointment.
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