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Things To Know Before Adopting A Parrot

May 15, 2024

May 31 is World Parrot Day! Polly can be a fantastic pet, filling our lives and homes with love, enthusiasm, and music. These stunning birds, along with corvids such as crows and ravens, are among our most intelligent feathered companions. In this article, a Pickerington, OH  veterinarian describes these colorful and lovable birds.

Is It A Good Idea to Bring a Parrot into My Home?

Possibly. It really depends on the bird and the person. Parrots are a great fit for some households and a terrible mismatch for others.

In general, we suggest doing thorough research before deciding to acquire a pet parrot. You’ll need to consider your financial condition, the amount of time you can devote, and any other pets in your home.

It is also important to learn about different types of parrots, so you can choose the one that is right for you. You’ll also want to become familiar with sickness symptoms, proper care standards, appropriate toys and rewards, and effective bonding techniques. Your vet can provide you with lots of advice. The main thing is to think and thoroughly assess the situation before making any decisions.

What Is The History Of Parrot Day?

The World Parrot Trust made May 31, 2004, the first official parrot holiday. Mike Reynolds, a devoted parrot enthusiast who died in 2007, founded the group to advocate for these lovely birds. The organization continues to thrive today. They are also greatly needed. Many of the world’s wild parrot species are threatened or endangered.

World Parrot Day is a celebration of these colorful and charismatic birds, but it’s also a call to action. Parrots are native to many tropical and subtropical regions. Many wild ones are threatened or endangered. In fact, a third of wild parrots are listed as threatened or endangered. Several are facing extinction. The reasons for this are probably no surprise. Habitat Loss, pollution, and the black market trade for wild birds are the main culprits. While there are some protected habitats, unfortunately, most are either too small or do not offer the ideal habitats.

Please visit their website here to find out more about them and how you can help.

How Many Different Parrot Species Are There?

There are roughly 400 different types of parrots, or psittacines. Polly’s family tree has 4 branches: Psittaculidae (Old World parrots), Psittacidae (African and New World parrots), Cacatuoides (cockatoos), and Strigopidae (New Zealand parrots such as kea, kākā, and kākāpō).

What Should You Consider Before Adopting a Parrot?

We strongly encourage individuals to carefully consider their decision to adopt any pet. This is especially true for parrots. Polly is definitely entertaining and adorable, but she requires a little more attention and care than other pets.

Consider the following.

Parrots Need A Lot Of Care And Attention.

Polly is very active, lively, and mischievous, and she’ll need lots of free time. You must regularly bird-proof your home and supervise her outside her cage.

It is critical to keep her cage clean and supply her with fresh food and water daily. Overall, daily spot cleaning is advised. This would entail getting rid of waste, providing fresh food and water, and replacing the cage liner. (Hint: Layers of newspaper or butcher paper at the bottom of the cage can make this procedure easier. Simply remove the soiled one from the top, and you’ll find a new one underneath.)

Not All Parrots Speak

Parrots have an amazing ability to communicate. The African Grey parrot is widely recognized for its remarkable capacity for speech. Surprisingly, the bird with the greatest ability to communicate is a budgie! A little bird named Puck gets top honors for her exceptional knowledge of the language. The cute tiny ball of feathers had a vast vocabulary of 1728 words, earning herself a coveted ‘perch’ in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The Rose-Ringed Parakeet, Moluccan Eclectus, and Yellow-Headed Parrot are all stunning and fascinating birds that can communicate.

Other chatty birds include the following:

  • Budgerigar
  • Macaw
  • Common Myna
  • Cockatoo
  • Eclectus Parrot
  • Quaker Parrot
  • Cockatiel 
  • Quaker Parrot
  • Amazon Parrot
  • Hill Myna 
  • Barred Parakeet

It is important to remember that birds’ speech abilities vary widely. Even an African Grey’s ability to communicate is uncertain.

Speaking of African Greys, we have a wonderful story: Gizmo, an African Grey parrot,  was finally rescued after spending 16 years in a cage. His surprising ability to communicate pleasantly shocked his new owners, and he has since evolved into a vibrant and communicative bird. (Connect with the adorable bird online here.)

Gizmo’s tale demonstrates the tremendous spectrum of emotions, sensitivity, and compassion these magnificent animals possess and how they thrive when treated with love and compassion.

Bird Proofing Is Essential

While all pets may face hazards in a regular household, birds are especially vulnerable to hidden dangers. You must be extremely careful when it comes to birdproofing. Potential hazards for your bird include small/sharp items; fumes, such as perfume, smoke, candles, incense, and cooking fumes;  open windows and doors; fans; water (sinks, toilets, pots, and fish tanks; ropes and cords; other pets; window dressings; and mirrors. Ask your vet for more information.

Polly May Outlive You

This is a big one. Parrots are known for their exceptionally long lifespans—some live to be more than 100!

Taking Polly in necessitates a high level of dedication because of the long-term commitment involved. Only move forward if you are ready to put in a degree of commitment. Parrots build strong emotional relationships with their owners and can become sad when they are moved to a new home.

Parrots Need Things To Play With

Parrots are lively, curious, and extremely bright. Polly will need plenty of free time outside of her cage and a selection of exciting toys. Rotate these out on a regular basis to keep her entertained. (On a brighter note, you may find your cute pet’s playful antics to be absolutely hilarious.) Contact your Pickerington, OH veterinarian for more information.

They Can Be Very Loud

When considering parrots as pets, it is critical to factor in their loudness levels. Some aren’t particularly loud. Others have volume knobs that reach as high as twelve! Rose-ringed parakeets, commonly known as Indian Ringnecks, can produce sounds up to 111 decibels!

Here are some other loud birds:

  • Macaws – 105 DB
  • Conures – 120 DB
  • Cockatoos – 135 DB
  • Eclectus Parrot, 115 DB
  • Amazon Parrot – 124 DB
  • Lorie – 90 DB
  • Caique Parrot – 93 DB

In contrast, a Boeing 747 generates around 140 decibels of noise. The average sound level for a rock event is roughly 100 decibels. It can be amusing having a pet that will belt out Sweet Caroline at the top of her lungs, but this isn’t going to work for everyone. 

Cockatiels, parakeets, budgies, Pacific Parrotlets, and Senegal Parrots are examples of quiet parrots. Finches and canaries, while not parrots, are also relatively quiet.

Schedule An Appointment With A Pickerington, OH Avian Veterinarian 

Do you have any questions about parrot care? Do you want to schedule an appointment for your beloved bird? Please contact us if you require any assistance. As your Pickerington, OH pet hospital, we are committed to providing you with the best care for your furry friends.