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Tips For Teaching Your Dog To Swim

June 1, 2024

If you prefer swimming, you’ll probably appreciate the hot weather. Swimming in a pool is a wonderful way to cool off on a hot day. Swimming is another pastime that our canine pals appreciate. However, much like humans, dogs must learn to swim. Continue reading for advice on teaching Fido to swim from a Pickerington, OH veterinarian.

When Should Puppies Learn to Swim?

In general, four months is considered a good age. By then, Fido has a solid understanding of how to use all of his legs and the foundations of dog ownership. This is also the time to introduce your pet to new experiences. If you wait too long, your dog may develop a fear of water. Fido might not be able to swim properly if he was younger.

Of course, if your puppy has any health difficulties, you should consult your veterinarian. Wait until little Fido has fully recovered from being spayed or neutered.

Can You Teach an Elderly Dog How to Swim?

You can teach an old dog new tricks, contrary to popular belief. Swimming is included! Even older dogs can swim safely. Swimming can actually be a great exercise for senior dogs. As you might be aware, arthritis is common in older dogs. Swimming might provide Fido a nice workout while also being easy on his bones and joints. It’s also a great way to keep your furry friend cool on hot summer days!

However, you do not want to press the matter. With older canines, you’ll need to take a few precautions. Senior dogs, for example, are more susceptible to temperature changes. They will also tire out quicker than younger pets. Consult with your veterinarian for particular guidance.

Do Any Dogs Swim Naturally?

Not really. Some puppies are naturals, but even pups who are normally excellent swimmers, such as Golden Retrievers, do not always take to the water like fluffy ducks.

Most dogs can learn to do a simple doggy paddle or navigate in water while wearing a flotation device. However, this does not imply that they can swim safely. Puppies with long spines and/or small legs, such as Corgis and Dachshunds, may struggle to steer in water and can quickly fall into trouble. Furthermore, Pomeranians and other toy breeds can drown in only inches of water. Brachycephalic puppies, such as bulldogs and pugs, are more susceptible to drowning due to their tiny airways. Furthermore, many large dogs and certain elderly individuals are unsuitable for the duty. Ask your vet for more information. 

Preparing Your Pet For Swimming

Take Fido for a brief walk before he goes swimming. You should get him warmed up a little. However, you do not want to take things too far. Your canine buddy should not be exhausted during his swim lesson!

Purchase A Doggy Life Jacket

Begin by providing Fido with a pet life jacket. This improves both buoyancy and stability. It’s also a good idea to gradually introduce your pet to wearing them for safety reasons. If you take him boating or camping near water, he will almost certainly require one. This can also give him more confidence in his ability to navigate the water.

You can make your dog wear his lifejacket about the house to become accustomed to it. Make certain that it fits properly! (Don’t forget to capture some nice pictures!)

Choose An Appropriate Location For Fido

You’ll want to find somewhere shallow with a gradual slope. It is acceptable to visit a beach that welcomes dogs.

Select the Right Time

You should wait until the water is at an appropriate temperature and smooth. Fido may not appreciate the cold or tumultuous water. However, the temperature should not be unbearably high.

Swimming Time

When you’re ready to dip your toes—or, more correctly, your pet’s paws—into the water, exercise caution and speak gently to Fido.

You don’t want to throw Fido into the deep end and hope he figures things out. That’s dangerous! Even if your dog learns to utilize the doggie paddle, the experience might be distressing. He may develop a lifetime dread of water, as well as distrust for you.

It’s best to simply get into the water with your dog. Fido will feel safer if you accompany him. You can also assist him in the water by holding him or clutching the handle of his canine life jacket.

Normally, we advocate using rewards (or treats, in other words) as a motivation when training. In this case, however, you should keep to praise and compliments until your furry student’s four paws are back on solid ground.

After the lesson, rinse Fido to remove any salt, sand, or chlorine from his fur.

Swimming will leave your dog’s paws exceedingly fragile. When dogs’ toe beans are wet, they become delicate and wrinkly, just like our skin. Running over hot or abrasive surfaces, such as sand or pool decks, can cause painful blisters and abrasions in your pup.

After the lesson, keep your dog on soft ground for a while. Paw balm or wax will help here as well.

What Dogs Are Best At Swimming?

It’s not surprising that so many puppies are great swimmers. Several of our canine companions were initially assigned swimming chores. Many retrievers, for example, would deliver ducks and other game to their owners. Some dogs have webbed feet and slippery coats to help with this. The Brittany, Cocker Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Lab Retriever, and Schipperke are a few pooches that love water,

Pool Safety for Our Canine Buddies

If you have a pool or are transporting Fido to someone who does, you must take additional precautions.

To begin, show your dog where the steps are. This is extremely important! If Fido slipped in while no one was looking, this could save his life! You want to make sure the information fully sinks in, so take your time with this training and put your pet to the test. You might also post a visible indicator, such as a life buoy, near the pool stairs.

What else to think about when it comes to pools? The swimming pool covers. Fabric covers may be unable to withstand Fido’s weight. Unfortunately, it’s possible that your dog will confuse it for a solid surface and rush onto it. This can be extremely hazardous. Take precautions and keep the pool gated when not in use.

Of course, the most important thing is to never leave your dog near water unsupervised. Even well-trained canine swimmers can fear if they unexpectedly fall in. Keep a watchful check on your pet while he’s in or near water.

Conclusion: Swimming can be enjoyable and beneficial for our canine companions, but it is critical to prioritize your pet’s safety. Not all dogs are good swimmers. Even in breeds with a natural liking for water, some dogs just do not enjoy it. Taking every safety precaution, such as utilizing a doggy lifejacket and staying in shallow water, will assist your canine companion learn to traverse the water safely. 

Schedule an Appointment With Your Pickerington, OH Pet Clinic

Have you got any concerns about your dog’s health or care? Please contact us, your local pet hospital in Pickerington, OH  at any time. We are dedicated to giving excellent treatment!