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Caring for a Leopard Gecko

April 15, 2020
Are you interested in getting a reptile? If so, you may want to consider a Leopard gecko as your potential pet. These popular lizards are quite cute, fairly easy to care, and generally very docile. A Pickerington, OH vet discusses leopard gecko care below.


Leopard geckos are quite small, rarely growing more than 10 inches. However, they do live quite a bit longer than many reptiles, with a potential life span of 20 years. Make sure you’re ready for a long-term commitment to your lizard buddy!


We recommend getting a terrarium that is at least 20 gallons. You can use turf, butcher paper, flat stones, or pea gravel for substrate. Your reptilian pal will need a few hidey-holes for, including a ‘changing room’ that incudes moss or vermiculite to help with shedding. To make your pet’s home more fun and entertaining, as well as more attractive, add plants, climbing branches, driftwood, rocks, and maybe even a small statue.


You’ll need to make sure the conditions are right. As for lighting, you can use a low-watt tank light on a timed cycle. The cage should be split into two different temperature zones, with one end staying between 85-90 °F and the other around 73-75 °F. Your scaled buddy will be able to regulate his temperature by moving between them. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Before getting a leopard gecko, make sure you can stomach feeding it: these guys eat live bugs, such as mealworms, crickets, and waxworms. These creepy crawlies should be dusted with nutritious powder in advance. This is not only something to consider because of the queasiness factor, but also because it means you’ll need to make regular trips to the pet store.


In order to keep your scaled pet friendly, you’ll need to handle him regularly. This may sound like a chore, but it can be quite cute and entertaining. Let your tiny dinosaur hang out on you as you’re watching TV!

Veterinary Care

Like any other pet, geckos can and do get sick. Watch for red flags, such as diarrhea; weight loss; lack of appetite; lethargy; dry skin; unusual movements or posture; lumps, bumps, and lesions; and/or respiratory issues. Call your vet immediately if you notice any of these warning signs. Do you have questions about leopard geckos? Contact us, your Pickerington, OH vet clinic, today!